Introduction to Section IV: Drezen - Part 1

You have defeated the demon army and retaken Drezen after 70 years, but now what?

The taking of Drezen opens several new game elements and expands on previous ones. Section IV will be split into two parts because there is too much to make it usable as a single page. Part 1 will deal with the new government (Staff Council), a new special kind of quest (Events and Decrees), and realm development (Improving Your Forts). Part 2 will detail the places, people, and quests the characters will encounter while exploring the world (adventuring and standard quests).

When you exit the Citadel, you will be given a quest, “Middlegame.” This quest is about developing the macro-management part of WotR and requires you to build the Main Stables in Drezen, form your Staff Council, improve one of the relics you have found, and liberate the region (taking nearby demon forts). After this, Irabeth will come and talk to you (and maybe Queen Galfrey) and give you several more quests detailed in the second part of this section.

Kingdom Management

Kingdom Management is accessed from the command table inside the Citadel in Drezen or from the kingdom icon on the lower left corner of your screen on the world map. You cannot get to Kingdom Management while in a dungeon or adventure scenario.

The Kingdom management screen has a menu on the right side that lists the Decrees available to you. Clicking on a fort or town (like Drezen) will take you to the fort development screen. Here you will see a map of the available building spaces. While in Drezen, you can talk to your council from the command table. Let’s begin with your Staff Council since they are necessary to enact most Decrees.

Staff Council

Before you can have a staff council, you must start and finish four Decrees: Forming a Diplomatic Council, Forming a Military Council, Forming a Staff (Leadership) Council, and Forming a Logistics Council.

To issue these decrees, you have to get into Kingdom Management. From inside the Citadel, hover over the table in the main room. On the world map, click on the kingdom icon in the lower left corner of your screen.

If you acquired the necessary xp in the four categories during your previous travels, the Decrees will be available on the right side of the screen under the banner “Rank-Up.” Each of these decrees takes a full day to complete (you can start all four Decrees at the same time), so you can explore Drezen, talk to companions, or do whatever you want during this time. Alternately, on the top right of the screen is a button to Skip a Day, and you can select that if you want to get to your council management quickly [not recommended].

As each of these Decrees is finished, you will be asked to select which NPCs will constitute that branch of your council. An NPC can be on more than one branch of your council. Who is on your council determines the options available and type of input you are given during council discussions.

As you gain xp in the different council branches, you can do another “Rank-Up” decree for that branch. Each new Rank will have that branch coming to you with new decisions about how to run your kingdom.

Note: Until you have finished the two random encounters to get Woljif back in the group, he will not be available as a counselor. Until you have hired Greybor and finished the dragon quest, he will not be available as a counselor.

Diplomacy Branch – gain xp by acquiring resources (Finance, Material, and Energy)

Rank Counselor Effect

These decisions are repeatable Decrees.

Rank 2 Konomi +10% Finance income for 30 days
Daeran -7.5% Mercenary cost, -25% Material income for 30 days
Lann +10 Morale (+20 if currently below 0)
Sosiel +20% Energy income, -10% Finance income for 30 days
Woljif +20% Material income, -10% Finance income for 30 days

Regardless of choice at Rank 3, all mercenary units are unlocked. Your choice gives you free units in that category.

Rank 3 Konomi Gain 13 Sorcerers (Cost: ??, HP: 22, AC: 10, Init: 2, Att: 3, Dam: 2-7, Spec: 5/battle Magic Missile)
Daeran Gain 15 Duelists (Cost: ??, HP: 155, AC: 21, Init: 2, Att: 9, Dam: 8-15, Spec: Parry and Riposte)
Lann Gain 10 Barbarians (Cost: ??, HP: 53, AC: 13, Init: 3, Att: 21/16, Dam: 7-18, Spec: Battering Ram Attack)
Sosiel Gain 12 Inquisitors (Cost: ??, HP: 100, AC: 17, Init: 1, Att: 14, Dam: 13-18, Spec: 1/battle Divine Favor)
Woljif Gain 15 Rogues (Cost: ??, HP: 43, AC: 15, Init: 4, Att: 17, Dam: 11-16)
Rank 4 Konomi Gain 70 Slingers and 100 Conscripts
Daeran Gain 12 Cuirassiers and 20 Marksmen
Lann Gain 35 Lt Cavalry and 75 Shield Bearers
Sosiel Gain 12 Paladins and 30 Champions
Woljif Gain 15 Hedge Knights and 30 Headhunters
Your Character +10 Morale

This decision impacts your Rank 7 choices because it decides whether Isger or Andoran will show up.

Rank 5 Konomi (Isger) Gain 10 Cuirassiers, 30 Champions, 30 Marksmen, +20 Morale
Daeran (Andoran) Gain 28 Hedge Knights; Cavalry gain +3 AC
Lann (Isger) Gain 45 Rangers; ranged units cause Fort save in enemies or suffer -2 AC and saves
Sosiel (Isger) Gain 6,000 Finance; Infantry gain +3% to HP
Woljif (Andoran) Gain 28 Hedge Knights; Mercenaries gain +1 AC and Saves

At this point, Queen Galfrey starts to have input if you have saved her from Iz.

Rank 6 Konomi Goggles of Quick Grasp (+15 Persuasion, +15 all Lore and Knowledge)
Daeran Cloak of Astounding Prowess (+5 saves; on kill, Will save (DC 32) all enemies in 15 feet or blind 4 rounds)
Lann Overlord's Chainmail (+5 Mithril chainmail; +7 on Intimidate checks)
Sosiel Robe of Angelic Prudence (+4 Wis, Cha; cast Greater Angelic Aspect as 20th lvl Cleric)
Woljif Elixir of Inconceivable Transmutation (+2 inherent bonus all stats)
Your Character Gain a decree for +7 to all Generals' Power, 100k Finance, 10k Material, 4k Energy. Note: taking this option stops Diplomacy at Rank 6.

Regardless of choice, all three mercenary units are unlocked.

Rank 7 Konomi Kingdom buff for 14 days; 0 recruitment, then +20 to combat morale
Daeran +1% recruitment growth in captured regions
Lann (Isger) Gain 8 Sisters of the Golden Erinyes (then 200 Rangers at Rank 8)
Lann (Andoran) Gain 6 Mendevian Cavaliers
Sosiel +10 Power to all Generals
Woljif (Isger) Gain 6 Mendevian Cavaliers
Woljif (Andoran) Gain 4 Golden Legionnaires (then 70 Cuirassiers at Rank 8)
Rank 8 Konomi Decree: reduce standard unit cost by 10%
Daeran Decree: reduce building cost by 50%
Lann Decree: reduce Mercenary unit cost by 10%
Sosiel Decree: All Generals get Judgement Day spell (power x d6 damage to all enemies, power x d6 heal to all units, 60 energy)
Woljif Decree: +15% Mythic Unit recruitment, Energy income +5
Queen Galfrey Decree: 30 Mendevian Cavaliers, 60 Warpriests

Military Branch – gain xp by recruiting units (standard or mercenary)

Decisions that list a unit type unlock that unit type for recruiting as a standard unit. All costs listed are in Finance points.

Rank Counselor Effect
Rank 2 Cpt Odan Conscripts (Cost:20, HP: 78, AC: 13, Init: 0, Att: 6, Dam: 7-9)
Greybor Spearmen (Cost:45, HP: 45, AC: 12, Init: 2, Att: 10, Dam: 9-11, Spec: Strong Spears)
Regill Shield Bearers (Cost:40, HP: 164, AC: 11, Init: 1, Att: 4, Dam: 5-7, Spec: DR 1/-, Thirst for Heroics)
Seelah Champions (Cost:65, HP: 26, AC: 8, Init: 0, Att: 14, Dam: 16-18, Spec: Critical Strike)
Wenduag Convicts (Cost:12, HP: 22, AC: 8, Init: 0, Att: 6, Dam: 5-7, Spec: Terrifying Appearance)
Rank 3 Cpt Odan Slingers (Cost:50, HP: 24, AC: 8, Init: 1, Att: 12, Dam: 12-14, Spec: Armor Penetration)
Greybor Headhunters (Cost:110, HP: 50, AC: 11, Init: 3, Att: 16, Dam: 27-29, Spec: Return Shooting)
Regill Marksmen (Cost:100, HP: 25, AC: 12, Init: 4, Att: 22, Dam: 36-38, Spec: Penalty in Close Combat)
Seelah Rangers (Cost:80, HP: 85, AC: 12, Init: 4, Att: 14, Dam: 18-20, Spec: Favored Enemy - Demons, Skillful Repulse)
Wenduag Bandits (Cost:140, HP: 52, AC: 14, Init: 2, Att: 18, Dam: 28-30, Spec: Rapid Shot, Penalty in Close Combat)

When Rank 4 is reached Spellcaster's Lodge is unlocked

To get to rank 4, you must defeat a newly spawned demon army on the world map.

Rank 4 Cpt Odan Lt Cavalry (Cost:85, HP: 87, AC: 12, Init: 6, Att: 13, Dam: 9-11, Spec: Battering Ram Attack)
Greybor Hedge Knights (Cost:150, HP: 157, AC: 14, Init: 8, Att: 18, Dam: 11-13, Spec: Critical Strike)
Regill Cuirassiers (Cost:240, HP: 382, AC: 15, Init: 6, Att: 6, Dam: 2-4, Spec: DR 3/-)
Seelah Paladins (Cost:270, HP: 97, AC: 7, Init: 5, Att: 17, Dam: 9-11, Spec: Lay on Hands, Smite Evil)
Wenduag Raider (Cost:155, HP: 175, AC: 15, Init: 7, Att: 12, Dam: 7-9, Spec: Spoil)
Rank 5 Cpt Odan All units get Tough (+2 saves vs. Disease and Poison)
Greybor All cavalry and ranged units get Independence (+2 Initiative)
Regill All standard infantry get Charge (+1 Speed, +20% dmg, -2 AC. Lasts one round)
Seelah All standard cavalry get Charge (+1 Speed, +20% dmg, -2 AC. Lasts one round)
Wenduag All infantry get Debilitating Poison (next attack reduces target's speed to 0 for one round)

To get to rank 6, you must defeat a newly spawned demon army on the world map.

Rank 6 Cpt Odan Bards (Cost:950, HP: 161, AC: 19, Init: 2, Att: 2, Dam: 5-7, Spec: Auras-Superiority, Caution, Onslaught, Protection)
Greybor Assassins (Cost:1100, HP: 161, AC: 20, Init: 2, Att: 26, Dam: 47-49, Spec: Sneak Move, Poisoned Strike)
Regill Monks (Cost:630, HP: 614, AC: 30, Init: 2, Att: 15, Dam: 17-19, Spec: DR 3/-)
Seelah Warpriests (Cost:750, HP: 182, AC: 20, Init: 2, Att: 20, Dam: 16-18, Spec: Cure Mod Wounds, Aura of Courage, Dispel)
Wenduag Witches (Cost:1025, HP: 83, AC: 16, Init: 2, Att: 2, Dam: 5-7, Spec: Agony, Infected Wounds, Misfortune, Dispel)

To get to rank 7, you must defeat a newly spawned demon army on the world map, then survive an ambush.

Rank 7 Cpt Odan All standard infantry get Juicy Target (for one round, enemy ranged units can only attack this unit)
Greybor All standard cavalry get Taunt (the target unit will try to move to this unit and attack it for three rounds)
Regill All standard infantry get Bait (target units in 3x3 area will try to move to this unit and attack it for one round)
Seelah All cavalry get Contain the Enemy (unit's next melee attack reduces target speed to 0 for one round)
Wenduag All ranged units get Harassing Shooting (pulls target two squares toward this unit. Obstacles and units stop the movement)
Rank 8 Cpt Odan Honor Guard (Cost:2600, HP: 285, AC: 24, Init: 2, Att: 22, Dam: 14-16, Spec: Heroic Gait)
Greybor Dragonslayer (Cost:2500, HP: 173, AC: 20, Init: 2, Att: 28, Dam: 165-167, Spec: Penalty in Close Combat, Monster Slayer)
Regill Arcanists (Cost:1500, HP: 262, AC: 13, Init: 1, Att: 2, Dam: 1-3, Spec: Cone of Cold, Gr Magic Missile)
Seelah Knights of Ozem (Cost:1850, HP: 643, AC: 22, Init: 8, Att: 18, Dam: 18-20, Spec: Guardians of Life, Slayer of the Undead, Cure Ser Wounds)
Wenduag Bloodrager (Cost:2800, HP: 298, AC: 23, Init: 2, Att: 24, Dam: 85-87, Spec: DR 5/-)

Once the Rank 8 decision is made, you can talk to Odan and either choose him as General (Lvl 15 Ranged General), or get 15,000xp in Leadership, Diplomacy, and Logistics).

Choosing Odan as a General gives an extra reward in the Finale if Odan is the General that wins the battle (+6 Headband of Perfection).

Leadership Branch – gain xp when your Generals gain xp

Rank Counselor Effect

Rank 2 decisions are repeatable Decrees

Rank 2 Cpt Harmattan +10-15 Morale, costs Material
Daeran +15-20 Morale, costs Finance
Regill +16-25 Morale, -10% recruitment, +10% Mercenary price
Seelah +5-10 Morale

Rank 3 decisions are Kingdom Buffs

Rank 3 Cpt Harmattan +5 Combat Morale
Daeran +1 Unit Size per Army
Regill +10% xp for all Generals
Seelah +10% Infirmary size for all Generals

Rank 4 decisions are repeatable Decrees

Rank 4 Cpt Harmattan +10% recruitment for 14 days
Daeran +1 Mercenary slot for 14 days
Regill +20% recruitment, -20 Morale for 14 days
Seelah +7% recruitment for 20 days

Rank 5 decisions unlock buildings for your forts and settlements

Rank 5 Cpt Harmattan Bulletin Board (+2% bonus to act twice in combat, -2% chance to skip action in combat)
Daeran Tavern (reduce all morale effects in combat by 10%)
Regill Gallows (-3% chance to skip action in combat)
Seelah Monument (+5% to act twice in combat)

A Perception Check happens on reaching Rank 6. These decisions are Kingdom Buffs (except for Cpt Harmattan)

Rank 6 Cpt Harmattan -25 Morale
Daeran Generals give -15 Morale to enemies at start of combat
Regill Generals give +3 Morale when a unit is damaged
Seelah Generals give +15 Morale at start of combat
Your Character Generals give +1 Morale each turn in combat

A Diplomacy Check happens on reaching Rank 7 if the Perception check was passed at Rank 6. These decisions are Kingdom Buffs (except for Cpt Harmattan)

Rank 7 Cpt Harmattan +100 Finance income, +5 Material income, +4 Energy Income
Daeran +20% dmg by cavalry and grand-tier units
Regill +15% dmg by ranged and infantry units
Seelah +15 Power at lvl 20 for Generals

If you passed both prior checks and choose the first dialogue option before deciding on a course of action, gain 7500 Finance. These decisions are repeatable decrees

Rank 8 Cpt Harmattan recruit random army
Daeran All Generals gain +3 Power
Regill +50,000 xp to all Generals, and all Generals give Rock-Paper-Scissors to their units at Lvl 20
Seelah Increase Infirmary size by 25% for 30 days

Once the decision is made at Rank 8, gain 20 Paladins, 250 Conscripts, and 100 Slingers

Logistics Branch – gain xp by constructing buildings

Rank Counselor Effect

Rank 2 decisions are permanent unit buffs

Rank 2 D. Stranglehold Mercenary units get +1 att, Saves
Arueshalae Standard units get +2 Saves
Lann Standard units get +10% hp
Wenduag Mercenary units get +10% hp
Woljif Standard units get +1 att, Saves

Rank 3 decisions unlock buildings for your forts and settlements

Rank 3 D. Stranglehold Warehouse (adjacent to Inn +100 Finance income, adjacent to Supply Center +1 Material income, adjacent to Sanctuary +1 Energy income)
Arueshalae Shrine (+10 Finance income, +1 Energy income)
Lann Salvager's Post (+1 Material and Energy income)
Wenduag Fighting Pit (+1 Initiative for standard units in adjacent buildings)
Woljif Market (+20 Finance income, +1 Material income)

Rank 4 and 5 decisions are Kingdom Buffs

Rank 4 D. Stranglehold +15 Movement for all Generals
Arueshalae +7 Energy Income
Lann +1 Mercenary slot
Wenduag -5% Mercenary cost
Woljif +33% Generals' xp
Rank 5 D. Stranglehold +5% all income
Arueshalae +33% effect of Morale on income income)
Lann Generals earn 1,000 Finance points for each battle won
Wenduag Generals earn 1,000 Finance points for each battle won
Woljif +10 Finance income, +1 Material income for each region controlled

The Rank 6 and Rank 7 choices affect Rank 8. Listening to any of your advisors will give you the repeatable decree to steal supplies. If you choose the Lawful and Good options at Rank 6 and 7 respectively, you will be given the repeatable decree to get supplies without stealing.

Rank 6 D. Stranglehold Repeatable Decree: +120 Finance income, +10 Material income, +2 Energy income for 16 days
Arueshalae Repeatable Decree: +750 Material
Lann Two repeatable Decrees: exchange Finance for Material, exchange Material for Finance
Wenduag -5% Mercenary cost
Woljif Repeatable Decree: current Finance points increase by 10%
Your Character (Lawful) +10 Morale
Rank 7 D. Stranglehold recruit random army
Arueshalae +30% infantry and archer growth, -20% spellcaster and grand tier growth
Lann +25% mythic growth, -15% all other growths
Wenduag +2 Mercenary slots, -15% standard unit growth
Woljif +30% spellcaster and grand tier growth, -20% infantry and archer growth
Your Character (Good) +10 Morale

[Steal Supplies] If you chose any of the counselors' recommendations at Rank 6 or 7 you get a repeatable decree for 15,000 Finance, 1,000 Material, and -35 Morale

[Not Stealing Supplies] If you chose the Lawful and Good options at Ranks 6 and 7 you get a repeatable decree for 5,000 Finance, 500 Material, 200 Energy, and +20 Morale.

Rank 8 D. Stranglehold Cathedral (+15%hp, +3 att, +3 AC, +10% dam all units vs. demon units)
Arueshalae Spiritual Garden (+25 combat Morale, +50% General energy recovery, +20% mythic unit growth)
Lann Stronghold (+25% recruitment all units)
Wenduag a different Stronghold (-12.5% cost of Mercenaries)
Woljif Palace (+25% to Finance, Material, and Energy income)

Events and Decrees

Until you have formed your council, the only other kingdom quests that can be fulfilled are event quests. Other kingdom quests require at least one branch of your council to be active and available.

Events are happenings in your kingdom that require a decision from you. Usually, the decision leads to a Decree you must start to bring your decision to fruition.

Decrees are kingdom decisions that require one leg of your Staff Council to enact. Each Decree has a Finance, Material, and/or Energy price. It takes a certain number of days to complete and will occupy your government's Diplomatic, Military, Logistics, or Leadership branch until it is completed.

Tip: The first Decrees you should absolutely do is to form your Staff Council. Each of these Decrees takes a day, the branches will each be raised to level two, and you will get to meet the members of your council the next time you do kingdom management in Drezen. This also fulfills part of the Middlegame quest. If you don’t have enough xp in one of the branches to form that part of the council immediately, getting that xp should be your first priority.

There are several sub-categories of Decrees; Rank-up, Development, Economy, Army, Command, Relics, and Other.
  • Rank-Up Decrees are how you raise the level of one branch of the Staff Council. These Decrees will become available when enough experience is gained for that branch.
  • Development Decrees are about building up your kingdom and have to do with Logistics at a kingdom level; increasing the size of forts, claiming new territory, etc.
  • Economy Decrees are about your finances and are also usually Logistics based.
  • Army Decrees are decisions having to do with your military and are primarily Military.
  • Command Decrees have to do with overall decisions about the kingdom and are usually Diplomatic in nature.
  • Relics Decrees are about spending resources, time, and one branch of your government to repair a relic you have found while adventuring or destroying demon armies. The required branch of government depends on the nature of the relic being investigated.
  • Other Decrees cover… well, other stuff that isn’t already mentioned.
Development Decrees
Cause/Requirement Decree Cost/Time/Branch Effect
Space Holder
Economy Decrees
Cause/Requirement Decree Cost/Time/Branch Effect
Space Holder
Army Decrees
Cause/Requirement Decree Cost/Time/Branch Effect
Space Holder
Command Decrees
Cause/Requirement Decree Cost/Time/Branch Effect
Space Holder
Relic Decrees

The links will take you to the site where the relic can be found.

Relic Option Piece
Alter of the First Retriever Pray to Zon-Kuthon Padded Armor
+4 Padded Armor; -2 to attack rolls and constitution, electricity resistance 30. If wearer takes electrical damage, the armor becomes infused with electricity: for the next round, the wearer's attacks deal additional 1d12 electric damage, and spells with the electric descriptor they cast become quickened, as though using the Quicken spell feat.
Pray to Zon-Kuthon Shirt
-5 penalty to mobility skill, electric resist 30. Whenever a non-slashing weapon hits wearer, they must pass a Reflex save (DC 20) or become staggered for the first attack in a round and have -2 to attack for one round.
Cleanse Padded Armor
+3 Padded Armor; +2 morale bonus to dexterity.
Cleanse Shirt
Whenever a druid wearing this shirt casts a memorized spell, they cast it as if they were one level higher. Druids also gain a +10 competence bonus on lore (nature) skill checks.
Pray to the Abyss Padded Armor
+3 Padded Armor; +3 bonus to saving throws against fear and nauseated condition. Whenever the wearer is attacked with a spell, the enemy must pass a Will saving throw (DC 19) or they become nauseated for one round.
Pray to the Abyss Shirt
Whenever the wearer polymorphs into any creature, they get a +4 enhancement bonus to attack and damage rolls made with limbs. Whenever a creature hits them with a melee attack, that creature suffers 1d6 piercing damage.
Attractive Impulse Consecrate to Shelyn Gloves
Whenever the wearer confirms a critical hit with any bow, the enemy starts losing their mind, suffering -1 damage to intelligence, wisdom, or charisma.
Consecrate to Shelyn Lt Crossbow
+3 Lt Crossbow; whenever the wielder lands the first hit in a round against an enemy, that enemy's consciousness and love for all life awakens. The enemy starts doubting that violence is the answer and thus will suffer -1d4 penalty on attack rolls for one round.
Consecrate to Shelyn Metamagic Rod
This rod allows the wielder to modify up to 6 spells per day so that in addition to their main effect, they affect the target with a dominate person spell.
Consecrate to Calistria Gloves
Whenever the wielder lands a melee touch attack, the enemy must pass a Will saving throw (DC 20) or his heart and mind are consumed with agonizing lust; any critical hit against the affected enemy drives him even crazier, paralyzing for one round.
Consecrate to Calistria Lt Crossbow
+3 Unholy Lt Crossbow; whenever the wielder lands a hit, the enemy must pass a Will saving throw (DC 20) or their armor is sundered for 1d3 rounds.
Consecrate to Calistria Metamagic Rod
Grants the ability to modify up to 6 spells per day so that the energy type of the damage they deal changes to unholy. The modified spell also becomes maximized as though using the maximize spell feat.
Baphomet's Fire The Druid Shirt
This shirt gives -2 penalty to AC but makes all the wearer's fire spells deal additional 4d6 fire damage.
The Druid Gloves
Can ignite inner fire. Does 2d6 fire damage to wearer (bypassing all resistance and immunities) but deals the same amount with every melee attack that hits. Wearer can use this ability on their mount instead of themselves when mounted.
The Medium Shirt
Wearer gains immunity to ability damage, and mental ability scores are increased by +6 for 3 rounds whenever he kills an enemy with a fire spell. In addition, all wearer's allies deal additional 3d6 fire damage on successful attacks with weapons for 1 round.
The Medium Gloves
Whenever the wearer of these gloves lands a sneak attack against an enemy, the enemy becomes vulnerable to fire for 1 round and suffers additional 2d6 fire damage. In addition, whenever the enemy hit by the wearer takes fire damage from any source, it suffers a -3 penalty on all saves for 2 rounds.
Branch of the Last Ash Consecrate Bardiche/Hvy Pick
+3 Weapon; whenever the wielder casts a Breath of Life spell on an ally, the chosen ally gets +2 bonus to AC, attack, and damage for 1 round.
Enchant Bardiche/Hvy Pick
+4 Weapon; uses intelligence modifier for damage bonus and attacks.
Pray to the ancestors Bardiche/Hvy Pick
+3 Weapon; whenever the wielder lands a hit, it scorches the enemy. When the number of scorches reaches 3, they glow, granting anyone a +2 bonus to attack against such creatures. If the number of scorches reaches 5, the enemy starts bleeding and these scorches become tainted. The affected creature suffers 1d4 unholy damage for each scorch.
Chillroar's Hide and Tusks Awaken Chillroar's icy blood Shortspear
+2 Shortspear; this shortspear absorbs water from the target on each hit. On every fifth hit it automatically casts the cold ice strike spell in the direction of the enemy as a 12th-level wizard.
Awaken Chillroar's icy blood Spiked Light Shield
+2 Shield; wielder does +1 bonus damage per dice rolled for spells with cold descriptor. Whenever the wielder uses shield bash and hits, the enemy must pass a Fortitude saving throw (DC 20) or become vulnerable to cold damage (+50% damage from attacks with the cold descriptor) until the end of battle.
Awaken Chillroar's voice Shortspear
+2 Shortspear, Speed; whenever the wielder of this shortspear uses the Cleave or Vital Strike feat, the next attack against the affected creature deals additional 3d6 sonic damage.
Awaken Chillroar's voice Spiked Light Shield
+2 Shield; 20 sonic resistance, +2 bonus on saving throws against sound-based effects. If attacked with sonic damage, the wielder makes a Reflex saving throw (DC 19) for sonic damage to echo from this shield, dealing all enemies in a 10 feet range 3d6 sonic damage.
Crest of the Fallen Knight Pray for Linds Belt
While wearing this belt, a monk can spend 1 ki point to enshroud the target's heart and lungs in the fine veil of emerald. Affected creature becomes fragile (-2 penalty to AC) and must pass a Fortitude saving throw (DC 19), or all bludgeoning damage it receives will be multiplied by 1.5 until the end of combat.
Pray for Linds Chainmail
+2 Chainmail; +2 sacred bonus to Fortitude saves. Wearer can choose to suffer a -2 penalty to AC to grant all party members a +1 bonus to AC. While under this effect, an enemy attacking the wearer must pass a Reflex saving throw (DC 17) or suffer 3d4 piercing damage.
Pray for Linds Shortsword
+2 Shortsword; whenever the wielder lands a hit with this shortsword, the enemy must pass a Reflex saving throw (DC 18) or the wound becomes covered in fine emeralds for 5 minutes. Though the enemy becomes immune to bleeding, they suffer -2 penalty to Reflex saving throws, and all critical hits against this creature deal an additional 3d6 piercing damage. Multiple applications of this effect don't stack.
Shame Linds Belt
You can cover yourself in an invisible, corrupted fire. Under its effect, all your fire spells deal additional 2d6 unholy damage. You become immune to fire damage but gain weakness to cold and holy damage.
Shame Linds Chainmail
+2 Chainmail; partially absorbs magic from chaotic or evil creatures. When such creatures attack the wearer with magic, the wearer gains a +2 profane bonus for the next two rounds to att, dmg, and caster-level checks to overcome spell resistance. When this effect ends, the wearer's next attack suffers a -4 penalty to attack and damage roll, as well as caster-level checks to overcome spell resistance.
Shame Linds Shortsword
+2 Shortsword; this weapon glows with an invisible flame. If wielding two weapons, you can charge both weapons once per day with this flame for 10 minutes. While under this effect, they deal an additional 3d6 unholy damage.
Faultless Daybreak Summon the Triumphant Noontide Heavy Flail
+3 Heavy Flail; extra 1d10 holy damage on critical hit, 2d10 if x3 multiplier, 3d10 if x4 multiplier.
Summon the Triumphant Noontide Mithral Lt Shield
+3 Mithril Lt Shield, +2d8 Holy Damage to Undead; Whenever this shield is under the effect of Warpriest's Sacred Shield, each time the wielder bashes using this shield, it deals 1d6 holy damage, an enemy must pass a Will saving throw (DC 18) or will be marked. If a marked creature dies, a will-o-wisp (CR 8) appears for 10 minutes or until a new will-o-wisp is created. This will-o-wisp will try to heal and support your characters.
Summon the Triumphant Noontide Scalemail
+3 Scalemail; 3 times a day wearer can raise a deceased ally for 2d3 rounds. At the end of this time, the ally dies again.
Summon the Sanguineous Sundown Heavy Flail
+3 Radiant Heavy Flail; Each time the wielder confirms a critical hit, an enemy is affected with a Burst with Light effect. While under this effect, the creature suffers 2d6 positive energy damage for 2 rounds. Each round the creature must make a DC 20 Will save to take half damage. If the affected creature fails the save it takes full damage and all adjacent creatures suffer half of the damage.
Summon the Sanguineous Sundown Mithril Lt Shield
++3 Mithril Lt Shield; Whenever the enemy confirms a critical hit against the wielder of this shield, every enemy in a 30 feet area must pass a Fortitude saving throw (DC 20) or become blinded for 1d4 rounds and suffer 4d6 positive energy damage. A successful saving throw negates the blindness and halves the damage.
Summon the Sanguineous Sundown Scalemail
+3 Mithril Scalemail; Whenever the enemy confirms a critical hit against the wearer of this scale mail, every enemy in a 30 feet area must pass a Fortitude saving throw (DC 20) or become blinded for 1d4 rounds and suffer 4d6 positive energy damage. A successful saving throw negates the blindness and halves the damage.
Mask of the Facestealer Cleanse Lirk Ha'an Belt
Physical Perfection +4 (+4 Enhancement Bonus to Str, Dex, Con); whenever the wearer makes an attack roll to confirm a critical hit, it automatically succeeds.
Cleanse Lirk Ha'an Mask Uses Head slot, not eyes
Mental perfection +4 (+4 Enhancement bonus to Int, Wis, Cha); allows its wearer to reroll 3 failed saving throws against death effects per day.
Summon the Victims Belt
Physical Perfection +4 (+4 Enhancement Bonus to Str, Dex, Con); whenever the wearer kills an enemy who had full health with a single hit, all enemies in a 30 feet radius become staggered for 1 round.
Summon the Victims Mask Uses Head slot, not eyes
Mental perfection +4 (+4 Enhancement bonus to Int, Wis, Cha); whenever the wearer casts a 9th-level spell, all enemies in a 30 feet radius must pass a Will saving throw (DC 30) or become unable to cast any spells for 1 round.
Nemarius's Burning Brand Flame's Hatred Bardiche/Sling Staff/Trident choose weapon type before choosing power
+5 Weapon, Vicious; whenever the wielder lands a consequent hit in a full-round attack, it deals additional damage equal to the number of hits multiplied by 3.
Flame's Cleansing Bardiche/Sling Staff/Trident
+5 Weapon, flaming burst; upon hitting a new enemy for the first time, the enemy must pass a Fortitude saving throw (DC 32) or catch on cursed fire, making it unable to cast spells for 1d3 rounds.
Flame's Will Bardiche/Sling Staff/Trident
+5 Weapon, axiomatic; whenever the wielder lands a hit against a new enemy, it marks it with "Obedience." Such a mark can only be on one target at a time. If the bearer of this mark tries to attack the weapon's owner, it must pass a Will saving throw (DC 29) or suffer a -3 penalty on attack rolls and a -8 penalty on damage rolls for 2 rounds.
Phylactery of Stevanius Destroy Stevanius's Soul Ring
Once per day, whenever the wearer’s HP fall below 0, restore (character level x 2) HP, and the ring summons 1d4+2 undead skeletal champions for 2 minutes.
Destroy Stevanius's Soul Scythe
+2 Scythe, Bleed; allows wielder to feel almost any heartbeat in a 15 feet area. One creature at a time can be chosen to concentrate on the pulsating beat of its heart. Whenever the wielder or party members attack the chosen creature using the Rapid Shot feat, they don't suffer a -2 penalty to attack but gain a +2 bonus to damage instead.
Awaken Stevanius's Soul Ring
+4 to saves vs. mind-affecting effects, emotions, confusion, fear, death, and compulsion effects, -2 penalty to saves against poison, elemental, paralyzing, and movement-impairing effects. As a standard action, the wearer can lose HP equal to half character level to grant target creature a +2 bonus to attack rolls and transform their damage type into force for 1 round.
Awaken Stevanius's Soul Scythe
+2 Scythe, Ghost Touch; this scythe deals 1d12 negative energy damage to the target whenever it misses a hit.
Remains of the Colourless One Seal of Madness Arrows
When these arrows land a first hit against a new enemy, the enemy must pass a Will saving throw (DC 32) or suffer 2d4 ability damage to Intelligence (doesn't affect creatures with intelligence lower than 3) and become confused for 3 rounds. 20 arrows are generated per day.
Seal of Madness Breastplate
+5 Breastplate; made of crystals and can be worn by a druid. At the start of every combat, all enemies in a 50 feet range around the wearer must pass a Will saving throw (DC 32) or become confused for 2 rounds.
Seal of Madness Spectacles
These glasses allow their wearer to use the Maddening Gaze ability three times per day. Maddening Gaze: As a swift action, you can look in a specific direction. All enemies in a 50 feet cone must pass a Will saving throw (DC 32) or suffer 2d4 ability damage to Intelligence (doesn't affect creatures with intelligence lower than 3) and become confused for 1d4 rounds.
Seal of Jubilex Arrows
On a successful hit with these arrows, the target must pass a Fortitude saving throw (DC 32) or be stunned and become vulnerable to sonic damage for 3 rounds. 20 arrows are generated per day.
Seal of Jubilex Breastplate
+5 Breastplate; made of crystals and can be worn by a druid. Grants the wearer DR 3/- and moderate fortification but also makes the wearer vulnerable to sonic damage.
Seal of Jubilex Spectacles
These glasses are made of very thick crystal. It's difficult to see through them so the wearer suffers a -2 penalty to attack rolls. However, whenever the wearer lands a first hit in melee against a new enemy, the target must pass a Fortitude saving throw (DC 32) or be stunned and become vulnerable to sonic damage for 3 rounds.
Soulshear Cleanse Glaive
+3 Adamantine Glaive; grants +2 additional daily uses of lay-on hands, fervor, and channel energy class abilities if you possess them (applied after rest).
Charm Glaive
+3 Adamantine Glaive; your mount gets a +3 bonus on all saving throws and a +3 bonus to CMD.
Stone of Ghostly Pathways The Shamans Circlet
+2 enhancement bonus to Wisdom; summoned elementals gain 50 additional hit points.
The Shamans Ring
Whenever the wearer fights defensively and lands an attack in this condition, the enemy is pushed 10 feet away and knocked prone for 1 round.
The Shamans Sai
+4 Thundering Sai; a successful attack with this sai gives it a +1 bonus to damage rolls until the end of combat. If the wielder is hit, this bonus resets. This bonus can stack up to +5.
The Wizard Circlet
+2 enhancement bonus to Charisma. You can try to dominate outsiders three times per day. The creature must pass a Will saving throw (DC 22) or be under the dominating effect till the end of the fight. You also get a +1 insight bonus to AC against outsider creatures.
The Wizard Ring
+1 Insight bonus to attack vs. Outsiders. All summon spells of 6th level and lower are maximized as though using the maximize spell feat.
The Wizard Sai
+3 Speed Sai; whenever the wielder lands a hit with this sai on a summoned creature, it deals additional 1d12 piercing damage. Whenever this weapon confirms a critical hit against an outsider, the outsider has to pass a Fortitude saving throw (DC 25) or suffer the Plane Distortion effect for 1d4 rounds. You have total concealment against the outsider under this effect.
Priests of Norgorber Circlet
+2 enhancement bonus to Intelligence. Each time you cast a spell on an enemy, it must pass a Reflex saving throw (DC 20) or be entangled in a web for 1d4 rounds, trying to break free each round. This web also deals 1d6+3 bludgeoning damage each round. Effects don't stack.
Priests of Norgorber Ring
You can activate this ring to create an almost transparent silver lining that connects all party members in a 30 feet area. While in this state you share an unbreakable bond, and all members get an additional attack of opportunity per round. If an attack of opportunity is a critical hit, the enemy is staggered. If one of the party members falls unconscious, a giant spider is summoned to fight alongside you for 3 rounds.
Priests of Norgorber Sai
+4 Sai, Keen; Whenever the wielder lands a sneak attack against a new living enemy with this sai, that enemy is infested with tiny spiders. These spiders eat through the flesh dealing 1d6 damage per two wielder's levels. The enemy also suffers a -2 penalty to all saving throws until the end of combat. The effects of multiple applications of this ability do not stack.
The Dirty Squealer Summon Embrace of the Faceless Amulet
Whenever you cast a Grease spell, all creatures within the affected area must pass a Reflex saving throw or suffer 5d6 acid damage.
Summon Embrace of the Faceless Belt
+2 enhancement bonus to Constitution. Whenever the wearer is attacked, the enemy has to pass a Reflex saving throw (DC 20) or suffer -10 penalty on damage rolls for 1 round.
Summon the Voice of the Faceless Amulet
Whenever you cast an Ear-Piercing Scream spell, the damage it deals is no longer limited to 5d6. Instead it deals (1d6 + 1) per two caster levels points of damage. Creatures who fail the saving throw against it become dazed for 2 rounds instead of 1 round. The amulet also increases the DC of spells with sonic descriptor you cast by 2.
Summon the Voice of the Faceless Belt
+2 enhancement bonus to Strength. Whenever the wearer is mounted, and they or their mount confirms a critical hit against an enemy, that enemy is afflicted with the exploding head effect for 1d3 rounds. Under this effect, the creature starts to hear loud noises, suffering a -2 penalty to att, dmg, and AC.
Unholy Symbol of Rovagug Harden in blood of predators Handaxe/Battle Axe/Great Axe
+2 Radiant Weapon; whenever you confirm a critical hit you absorb magical essence, dispelling one random spell up to 5th level on the target.
Temper in sacred poisons Handaxe/Battle Axe/Great Axe
+2 Corrosive Burst Weapon; +3 bonus to attack rolls and critical threat range doubled when performing attack of opportunity. If you successfully land an attack of opportunity, the enemy must pass a Fortitude saving throw (DC 17) or become paralyzed for one round. When an enemy's attack of opportunity hits you, the enemy must pass a Reflex saving throw (DC 15) or suffer 2d6 acid damage.
Temper in mountain winds Handaxe/Battle Axe/Great Axe
+2 Weapon; whenever the wielder of this weapon is paralyzed, staggered, stunned, petrified, or entangled, they suffer the weapon's damage and immediately remove such an effect. This weapon also has an 18-20 critical threat range.
Voice of the Cursed Bard Pray to Shelyn Lyre
The owner can activate this item once per day. While activated, all enemies in a 10 feet area around the owner must pass a Will saving throw (DC 36) or suffer a -5 penalty on saving throws against mind-affecting spells, -2 penalty on saving throws against enchantment school spells, and become vulnerable to sonic damage for 5 rounds.
Pray to Shelyn Amulet
This amulet strengthens the wearer's voice and maintains its power longer. All the wearer's bardic performances and raging songs (if they have the corresponding class abilities) last for 10 more rounds per day.
Awaken Francest's power Lyre
This item grants its wielder the ability to deal 10d10 sonic damage as a standard action to a single target three times per day. A successful Fortitude saving throw (DC 36) halves the damage.
Awaken Francest's power Amulet
This amulet empowers the voice of the wearer, thus increasing hit point limits of Power Word spells by 150%. For instance, Power Word Kill now will instantly kill all enemies with HP lower than 150 instead of 100.
Voracious Jumble Awaken Craving Maw Club/Flail
+3 Weapon; deals 2d6 damage instead of standard weapon damage, and the type of damage is bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing simultaneously. On a critical hit it hits so hard that the enemy must pass a Fortitude saving throw (DC 20) each time it tries to attack or become unable to attack for one round. This effect lasts 1d3 rounds.
Awaken Unslumbering Predator Club/Flail
+2 Speed Weapon; can never become flat-footed. If you kill using this weapon, you become immune to all eyesight effects for 1d4 rounds.
Awaken Unending Distortion Club/Flail
+3 Vicious Weapon; whenever the wielder lands a hit on an enemy who doesn't wield a weapon, the target must pass a Fortitude saving throw (DC 21) or for one round its claws or other natural weapons become deformed and it suffers -6 damage per attack with natural weapons. If it lands a hit on an enemy wielding a weapon, the enemy must pass the same saving throw or suffer -2 penalty to attack for one round.
Wicked Dope Banish the Dope Banded Mail
-+3 Banded Mail; grants ferocity as per the universal monster rule.
Banish the Dope Quarterstaff
++2 Quarterstaff; whenever the wielder doesn't have full HP casting a spell on an ally causes the wielder to gain fast healing 5 for 1d3 rounds.
Distill the Dope Banded Mail
+4 Banded Mail; Whenever the wearer is hit, gain fast healing 1 (stacks up to 10) until the end of combat.
Distill the Dope Quarterstaff
+3 Quarterstaff; whenever the wielder casts the same spell three times in a row, the next spell cast becomes empowered and maximized, as though using the feats.
Zaori's Pin Priest of Nethys Circlet
+6 enhancement bonus to Cha and Int. In addition, all party members of the wearer gain a +3 insight bonus to saving throws against confusion, insanity, and domination spells.
Priest of Nethys Ring
Whenever the wearer of this ring deals sneak attack damage for the first time in a fight against an enemy, that enemy becomes paranoid for 1d4 rounds. For each adjacent ally of the affected target, they suffer -1 penalty on saving throws and -2 penalty on damage rolls. This effect stacks up to 3 times.
Priest of Nocticula Circlet
+6 enhancement bonus to Cha and Int. In addition, the wearer and all their allies in a 10 feet area gain the effects of the Shield Caster, Allied Spellcaster, and Shield Wall feats.
Priest of Nocticula Ring
If the companions of the wearer of this ring attack the same target as the wearer, they deal additional 1d6 points of precision damage with each successful melee attack. They also gain a +2 circumstance bonus on attack rolls against this target.
Other Decrees
Cause/Requirement Decree Cost/Time/Branch Effect
Space Holder

Improving Your Forts

Three resources are used to purchase buildings and recruit troops; Finance, Material, and Energy. Until now, you have only used Finance to get the basic troops, but with Material and Energy you can build structures in your forts and cities that will allow you to recruit more powerful troops and create powerful effects. The buildings fall into four main categories and a few sub-categories for clarity; Recruitment (Each of these has a main version and a garrison version. The main version allows for the recruitment of unit types; the garrison version increases the recruitment growth by 25%. Only one main version can be built in the kingdom, but one of each of the garrison versions can be built in each fort.), Buffs (Unit, Mercenary, Generals), Income (Add Income, Reduce Cost), and Other. Below is a list of the buildings in alphabetical order for ease of use. They are all linked to the full entry for each building:


These are the most important buildings to get up and going early on. As easy as the army battles have been, you will need multiple armies and special troops to deal with the demon forces now. The demons have an added ability: they can move about the map and attack your forts if left undefended.

There are 90 different unit types. Most of them won’t be available to you because they require a specific Mythic Path, alignment, religion, or action in the game. It doesn’t add significantly to the game for me to include a list here, and you shouldn’t change your style of play just to be able to recruit a specific unit type.

Remember, you can only build one main version of each of these buildings (I suggest you build it in Drezen since that will likely be your most defended area). The garrison version of each building increases the recruitment output of the main building.

Building Cost (Fin*Mat*Engy) Units
Archery Range 500*250*0 Archers, Bandits, Headhunters, Marksmen, Rangers, Slingers
Hall of Champions Arcanists, Bloodragers, Dragonslayers, Hardened Veterans, Honor Guards, Knights of Ozem
Mercenary Guild 2000*400*0 Increases the types of available mercenary units by one
Spellcaster's Lodge Assassins, Bards, Church Guards, Monks, Warpriests, Witches
Stables 1000*500*0 Cuirassiers, Hedge Knights, Light Cavalry, Mounted Scouts, Paladins, Raiders

These buildings help your units, characters, generals, or an area. Unit buff buildings are in a special category since the building must be built next to a recruitment building and will affect units of that type recruited there, unless the affected area is “All Units.” Then it affects all units on the board, and the bonus takes effect immediately upon completion of the building.

Building Cost (Fin*Mat*Engy) Affected Bonus
Alchemist's Laboratory 500*50*0 Generals +10 Energy
Apothecary 450*110*5 Unit +10% HP
Arsenal 225*225*0 Unit +1 AC
Brewery Area +10 bonus to Crusader Morale, +1 to maximum morale. Units within the Fort’s area of control have +5 combat morale, DR 1/-, and a 5% chance to perform a random action in battle.
Bulletin Board Area Units within Fort’s area of control have a +3% bonus to act twice and a -2% bonus to skip an action due to combat morale.
Cathedral All Units All units get +15% bonus to HP, +3 to Attack and AC, and a 10% bonus to damage vs. Demon units. Only one Cathedral can be built.
Fighting Pit Unit +1 Initiative
Gallows Area Decreases the chance of skipping an action due to low morale by 3% for all units within the Fort’s area of control.
Hall of Strategy 200*500*50 Generals +1 Att, Def, and Power
Hospital 350*60*0 Generals +5% bonus to Infirmary size
Military Academy 3500*400*25 All Units +1 Att, AC, and Saves
Monument Area Units within Fort’s area of control have +5% bonus to act twice during combat due to high morale.
Pathfinder Society Lodge 7500*100*10 Mercenary +1 Attack, AC, Saves to all Mercenary units.
Reliquary Mythic All mythic units get +3 Attack, AC, Saves, and Initiative
Scout's Headquarters Area Scouts within the Fort’s area of control gain +1 speed, +10 morale, +4 Initiative.
Smithy 525*200*0 Unit +1 Attack
Spiritual Garden Various All units gain +25 combat morale. Generals get +50% Energy Recovery. Recruitment growth for mythic creatures increases 20%. Only one Spiritual Garden can be built.
Tavern Area Units within Fort’s area of control have negative morale effects reduced by 10%.
Training Grounds 650*100*0 Unit +10% Damage
Watchtower 250*75*0 Area All allied units within the Fort’s area of control get +1 Attack, AC, Saves, and Initiative.

Notice that very few buildings provide energy, and you will need energy for the best troops and buildings. These should be a priority to get up and running sooner rather than later.

Building Cost (Fin*Mat*Engy) Bonus (Financial/Material/Energy) or Reduced Cost
Engineers' Workshop 2000*300*0 Cost of building construction reduced 10%
Hall of Glory 1200*300*0 Cost of Mercenary units is 5% less
Infernal Forge +100/+3/0
Inn 400*200*0 +200/0/0 (If there are no recruitment buildings in the fort, otherwise, nothing.)
Market +20/+1/0
Palace +25%/+25%/+25%. Can only build one Palace
Salvager's Post 0/+1/+1
Sanctuary 250*250*10 0/0/+4
Shrine +10/0/+1
Stronghold - Wenduag Mercenary Units cost 12.5% less
Supply Center 100/50/0 0/+3/0
Warehouse +100 Finance if built next to an Inn
+1 Material if built next to a Supply Center
+1 Energy if built next to a Sanctuary
Building Cost (Fin*Mat*Engy) Bonus
Citadel 300*100*0 Increases the time for a siege to take the fort by 3 days.
Sabateurs' Headquarters Enemy units in Fort’s area of control gain -1 speed (min 2), -10 morale, -4 initiative.
Shelter 200*150*15 Characters can rest in the Fort without increasing Abyssal Corruption.
Stronghold - Lann +25% recruit
Teleportation Circle 500*200*30 Characters can teleport to the Fort from anywhere on the map.


The starting location for your next adventures.